To access Theme option go to WP admin -> Sweetdate.

SweetDate - More than a WordPress Theme v2.8 - Google Chrome_5

Options are divided in the following sections:

  • General settings - Logo, favicons, analytics code
  • Layout settings - Responsive switch, Boxed/Wide layout,  Sidebar/No sidebar
  • Styling options - Backgrounds, colors, google fonts for header, breadcrumb, main section, sidebar, footer
  • Homepage - Set the Image to be displayed on the Front page template
  • Buddypress - Import Buddypress profile fields, pages layout(sidebar/no sidebar).Customize profile header (background, transparency, colors)
  • Contact Info & Social - Enable/Disable top social bar. Set you contact details
  • Miscellaneous - Facebook APP ID for login integration. Twitter settings for widget. Envato account and API for automatic theme updates.


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