This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #127946

    Hi, i purchased the Kleo theme and have a problem with the resume theme. When i preview the media grid shows normally but when i post the page it doesn’t show. Where might be the problem?

    Thank you!



    Most probably you will have to update theme to latest version 4.0.8 and the rest of plugins.

    You will have to update theme to 4.0.8 your current version is 3.1.3 and after most important is to update Visual Composer, K-elements and Revolution Slider from wp-admin -> appearance -> install plugins, press update for these plugins.

    We have two methods for update

    1. Automatic theme updates:

    – Go to WP admin – Theme options – Theme Update
    – Enter Themeforest username and API KEY
    – Save the options
    – Go to WP admin – Dashboard (link should be like: /wp-admin/update-core.php) and you should see the theme there if there is a new update available
    – Click the checkbox next to it and click to Update themes

    2. Manually update theme by FTP.

    – Connect to your server.
    – Go to wp-content/themes/ and copy “kleo” folder to your computer so you have a backup of your old files.
    – Extract that you have downloaded from Themeforest. Make sure the resulting “kleo” folder has a style.css in it. Delete on your server all files inside wp-content/themes/kleo and then copy all files inside “kleo” folder to your server in wp-content/themes/kleo

    Important note : After you update the theme to latest version 4.0.8 please update the bundled plugins especially Visual Composer, K-element, Revolutions slider, Woocommerce and buddypress.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Ticket solution

    Why does it say Downloading update from …

    Download failed. A valid URL was not provided

    When i try to update?

    Thank you!


    I updated the theme and the media grid still doesn’t show.



    Do you have updated also the visual composer and k-elements plugins from wp-admin -> appearance -> install plugins ?


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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