This topic has 17 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Radu.

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  • #138388

    Hi there,

    I’ve look everywhere and try a lot of thing to change the black border that appear around the avatar user and in the search box.

    See the image I attached.

    Can you help me and tell me where I can change this?

    Kind Regards,

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    Please provide correct URL

    And if you have community private please provide an account to can see that page


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    .main-color #search-members-form, .main-color #search-groups-form, .main-color #bbpress-forums form#bbp-search-form { box-shadow:1px 1px 1px 1px red;}
    #buddypress #friend-list li div.item-avatar, #buddypress #member-list li div.item-avatar, #buddypress #members-list li div.item-avatar {border:5px solid red;}
    #buddypress .friends ul#members-list .item-avatar .kleo-online-status, #buddypress ul#member-list .item-avatar .kleo-online-status, #buddypress #members-dir-list ul#members-list .item-avatar .kleo-online-status {border-color:red; }


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    Thank you for the code, but it did nothing!
    It still the same.
    As I’ve told in previous support, and think there is something wrong with the theme, because any change that I do in the style or functions it does not work.
    Can you please help me with this?
    Because I have several other tickets, that you give me code and it didn’t work, it was as the code is not there.



    In this case add this line

    add_filter( 'kleo_theme_options_ajax', '__return_false' );

    To your wp-content/themes/kleo-child/functions.php

    And then test if the settings will be saved

    Let me know


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    Hi there,
    Thank you for you answer.
    But again it didn’t work.
    I’ve uninstall the KLEO theme, all of it. And did a new installation.
    Something where correctly automatically, but others still are the same.
    For example this (image I attached).
    I would like to change the color black that you see in the search box and around the user avatar, can you help with this?

    [attachment file=138730]

    Kind Regards,

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    I provided the solution for coloring those in another ticket.

    If you aren’t able to save theme options provide admin credentials to take a look please.

    FYI:it will need to de-activate all plugins and child theme


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    I had a serious problem with you Theme, it seams it block all my acess to my site. I was out of it for 2 days.
    I had to go in files using Filezilla to delete all cods that were in functions.php of the kleo-child, to have access to the site.
    So what I think is there is maybe some incompatibility with you theme and the server where I have the site hosting.
    I will going to test it again, and tell how it went.



    Or theme doesn’t come with anything in functions.php from kleo-child folder file so there it’s your custom code, why are you blaming the theme it’s the problem ? The issue comes from the changes that you made in child theme if you don’t know how to maintain a wp site without errors hire a person that can do that.


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    Hi there,
    You didn’t need to be unpleasant with you answer.
    First all the code that I add to it was code that you or you college ask me to add, in the places you ask me to do.
    And I always tell that I don’t know nothing about coding, this one of the reason I bought a Premium Theme.
    I was just reporting a erro I’m having, that you can see in others tickets I’ve submitted.
    1st every code you ask me to add it didn’t toke effect.
    2nd, when I uninstall and re-install the theme, some of the code work
    3rd when I add something you ask me to add to make a change in the child theme, my web-site stop working.
    4th I’ve report this, just for you to know, I’m not doing a accusation to anyone or anything, just stating the facts as it is.

    Thank you for your attention,
    I’m going to close the tiket.



    I see but there are other peoples that read the forum like you that doesn’t have programming knowledge and they understand from what they are read from here it’s a general problem between our theme and accessing wp admin dashboard.

    I hope you understand this point of view.

    No problem

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    I stil cannot change the color around the image of the user.
    Can someone help?

    Kind Regards,


    Provide screenshot that points out exactly and live url please


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    Hi there, I’ve post here the screenshot, you can see in my preview message on #138729 or #138388
    To go to my website you need a registration.
    In the next message I will provide you the details to enter in my website.

    Thank for your attention,

    Kind Regards,

    This reply has been set as private.

    Hi there,
    Today after a lot of exploring and try and error, I think I discover where to change that.
    I would like to share this, for other that will have the same question can try and see if result to them.

    So I went to: Personalize theme/Styling Options/Main/Alternate background: here I put a light grey, this code:#f7f7f7.

    So now the black around the profile photo and the black around the search box its grey.

    Thank you all



    You can control the border around the photo using this CSS

    div#item-header-avatar {
        border: 5px solid red !important;

    So revert color setting and add that CSS to wp-admin -> theme options -> general settings -> quick css

    Replace red with your desired color code and replace 5px with your desired value


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