This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #139632


    My feature image is not allowing me to add new feature image.  I have tested by disabling all plugins and it still did not work.  Also i have “on” the Display media on post page*… 

    Any help will be great… thanks

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    Do you have theme updated to latest version and also WordPress ?


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    yes they both are theme and WordPress updated to the latest version… it is still not working 🙁
    On the wordpress dashboard I can see “Set featured image” and I can select the image but when I select image it brings me back to post screen but does not attach the image… i have test with all plugin uninstalled and still does not work…


    Provide admin credentials to take a look, so what you cannot do ?

    If you add feature image to that post this it’s not displayed ?or how ? provide screenshot


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    Hi i see that you cannot assign any featured image to any post, i think this it’s caused by plugins or by some modification to chidl theme so, de-activate all plugins except visual composer,k-elements and revolution slider, then check again, it if works enable plugins back one by one to identify what causes that.

    If you encounter same issue de-activate all plugins + child theme to test


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    i reinstalled wordpress and it works now…


    Ok then


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