
So, I kind of see what you’re getting at, but as both an end-user and site admin I find it terribly confusing. WP allows me to create page hierarchies, set the slugs of pages, and set the titles of pages. When working with normal pages, both the titles and breadcrumbs work fine.

However, when using bbPress and BuddyPress, there seems to be a break from the standard conventions to some seemingly random way of doing things, and I can’t fathom why.

My Page hierarchy <and what I’ve associated each page with>:

Socialise <sitewide activity>
– Members <members directory>
– Groups <groups directory>
– Forums <forums directory>

So, for example, I would expect that when I’m on Groups page, the breadcrumbs would be:
Home > Socialise > Groups

What I actually get is something quite random:

Socialise (gives: Home / Sitewide Activity; desired: Home / Socialise)
– Members (gives: Home / Members; desired: Home / Socialise / Members)
– Groups (gives: Home / Groups Create a Group; desired: Home / Socialise / Groups)
– Forums (gives: Home; desired: Home / Socialise / Forums)

Ignoring page titles for a moment, and focussing just on the breadcrumb trail, it’s the fact that “Socialise” part of the trail is missing in the Members, Groups and Forums pages, etc. – the breadcrumb trail, which is supposed to reflect the actual page hierarchy, is not reflecting the actual page hierarchy…

I realise that the bbForums and BuddyPress plugins output their own page titles / breadcrumbs, but I’m also aware that the theme also manipulates these things and, as such, was wondering if the theme could cover up some of the UX cracks caused by the third party plugins.

My main frustration is that I’m not proficient enough in PHP to work out how to change this myself – I tried earlier today and crashed my site.

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