This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by dmasin.

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  • #172413

    Hi, I would like to add a buton into secondary menu, as shown in the screenshot (one of the predefined header options), like the “Buy Theme” or “see demo” button, but I am unable to find out how. Thank you for help.

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    Hi @dmasin,

    Thanks for reaching out, to style your menu item as a button you’ll have to go to Appearance > Menus > Select: desired menu

    Once you have your menu open, click to open your desired menu item from the right hand panel, click on the drop down titled “Menu style” and select either default, buy button, see through or highlight.

    Hope this helps,


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    Hi, thank you,
    It is fine for me until Appearance > Menus > Select: desired menu
    However, I cannot see “menu style” dropdown at all, as in the screenshot.
    Any idea where is the problem?
    Thanks David

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    You have not added a menu item yet, select your desired item from the left and it will appear on the right.

    Once you have added the menu item you can open it up by clicking it, the option will be below.



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    Thank you,
    In the left, I have option to select Pages, Posts, Kleo Login/logout/register, Posts, Custom links, Categories, Tags and Format. None of them seems to have “Menus style” dropdown whan I click on it. Any idea?



    You first need to add the item from the left, when it appears on the right you will see the option on the right when your added item is clicked open.

    Please see the attached screenshot on how to add menu items and apply the button style.



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    Interestingly, I do not have any “Menu Style” as you have in your screenshot, any idea what could be a problem. Am I missing some plugin or some settings?
    List of installed plugins is in the second screenshot.

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    Here is the screenshot as how my menu item looks like.

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    Did you install the K Elements plugin when you activated the theme? You’ll find it under Appearance > Install Plugins.

    If you do have it installed and the issue is still there please provide admin credentials so I can log into your site.



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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Yes, K-elements is active, as you see in the screenshot. Any further think to check? Or you think it is better if I send you the login details? Regards David Masin

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    I found the problem now.
    “ultimate memeber” plugin is somehow spoiling this option, if I deactivate it it seems OK.
    Thanks for your help, I will try to investigate Ultimate Member.
    Regards David


    Okay, thanks for letting me know about the conflict.


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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Apparenty, this in functions.php of kleo-child solves the problem, if someones has similar issue in the future

    function remove_plugin_actions(){
    remove_action( ‘wp_loaded’, array( ‘UM_Menu_Item_Custom_Fields’, ‘load’ ), 9 );

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