To fix the button issue please apply the below CSS to your KLEO Child theme’s style.css by going to WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > KLEO Child > Style.css or by going to WP Admin > Theme Options > General Settings > Quick CSS. To see changes you will need to clear all caches.
.buddypress .change-avatar a.button, #buddypress a.button{height: auto;line-height: inherit;}
To translate the single string please paste the below at the end of your KLEO Child theme’s functions.php file by going to WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > KLEO Child > Functions.php
// Translate crop image to save image
add_filter('gettext', 'translate_reply');
add_filter('ngettext', 'translate_reply');
function translate_reply($translated) {
$translated = str_ireplace('Crop Image', 'Save Image', $translated);
return $translated;
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