Thanks for contacting us about custom ordering / filtering of posts. With regards to the comments part of the request you could always use our ‘KLEO Posts’ element (see below) – however we do not track views or shares so there is no infrastructure to do this out of the box.
[vc_posts_grid loop="size:10|order_by:comment_count|order:DESC|post_type:post" load_more="yes" ajax_post="" ajax_paged=""]
Have you had a look at the premium plugin called ‘Essential Grid’ that we have bundled into KLEO? You can install it for free by going to Appearance > Install Plugins – you can see more about this plugin here https://codecanyon.net/item/essential-grid-wordpress-plugin/7563340 and here https://essential.themepunch.com.
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Custom development requests can be sent to dev@seventhqueen.com, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.