This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years by Kieran_SQ.

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  • #203204

    Hello, hope somebody there?

    I just configured maxcdn in  WP Super Cache, and then my site got unreachable with http error 500.


    Is it safe to delete Wp Super Cache plugin in File Manager??



    It is safe to delete any plugins primary folder in /wp-content/plugins/ but you will obviously lose any access to that plugin. If that plugin is causing an Error 500 then deleting it will restore the site.



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    Thank you!! You are the best!!



    No worries, happy to assist 🙂


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    I can’t recommend whether you should move hosts or not. But I can offer my personal opinion (not necessarily the opinion of SeventhQueen) on some of the other points.

    It seems like speed is an issue for you. I can’t remember if you’re using WooCommerce or not, but if you are you should look at greater than shared hosting like cloud instances or dedicated servers.

    If you’re not using WooCommerce and just BuddyPress with smaller plugins then shared hosting may be an option for you. Either way the host should have CloudFlare, StackPath (formerly MaxCDN) or KeyCDN etc integrated at the server level for free or a minimum cost.

    Most of the hosts you suggested have European locations so that shouldn’t be an issue – and some appear to have free migrations at the cPanel level which could also be good for your needs.

    I have personally hosted with GoDaddy many years ago and would never do so again. SiteGround is a good host in my experience but I left them for another due to their renewal costs. I can’t speak to InMotion or A2Hosting as I have never used them but I do hear good things about them.

    You should take the time to talk to the sales reps for all of your prospective hosts and check that they offer the basics such as

    – Staging
    – Ability to switch PHP versions, including which versions they have available
    – Do they allow MySQL and MariaDB, if so, do they offer up-to-date versions
    – Do they offer Let’s Encrypt or OpenSSL free SSL certificates
    – Do they make automatic backups that you can use? (Note: never rely on just host backups, make your own too)
    – Do they have a Service Level Agreement (SLA)
    – If they state unlimited, find out what the real limits are, unlimited is never unlimited
    – What redundancy do they have
    – What is their current up time on X server for last 12 months

    There are obviously many other points to ask, some which will only be known to you through the issues you have faced and should definitely ask them all.

    I wouldn’t think that restoring a file of 4GB should take that long. Maybe they’re working on other issues related to the backup too?

    I hope this helps in some way, if you have other questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to offer some guidance the best I can.


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    It’s possible, but hard to believe. I’m not sure what to say – it should be back online by now.


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