This topic has 36 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by willianlima83.

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  • #31766

    Hi. After I did the last SweetDate update, the rtMedia was broke.
    Any user can insert pictures on their timeline (as status message).
    Any user can post image on group timeline (as status message).

    I click in the button ”Atach File”. Select a JPEG picture, insert some text and send.
    The message is:
    Jhon Smith posted an update in the group XXX right now
    (on own profile is the same situation)

    I did some tests and I can’t fix it. Please, can you help me?
    I will send user details to login as admin by private message.

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    I removed Buddypress Wall and rtMedia.
    After that I activated the rtMedia and I can post pictures in my profile status, groups status, etc.
    I can only add pictures in MEDIA > ALBUMS.

    This problem started after sweetdate uptade.

    Can you help me please?

    Can use other plugin to post pictures on status? COMPATIBLE WITH SWEETDATE?


    *I can’t post pictures


    Other question:
    When I post any picture in ALBUM/MEDIA, it’s is showed in the stream line as Pitcure and picture tittle together.
    Is there some way to hide the tittle image on timeline?


    ??? I can’t post pictures still. Is it a rtMedia problem or it’s a sweetdate problem?


    Hi, the Album tab is related to bpAlbum and you should only RtMedia which adds the Media tab or the bpAlbum.
    You problem is from Buddypress Wall plugin which obviously adds a new navigation in your profile. Talk either with rtMedia developers or Buddypress Wall

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    I deactivate the Buddypress Wall plugin and the problem is the same.
    When I deactivate the plugin, normally it should back to the rtMedia configuration but in this case I have no changes.

    I will give up.


    I don’t know what changes or other codes or other plugins you have added. I just updated on the demo to the latest rtMedia version and the functionality works as expected

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    I added any code for any media function, and when I add some code, it’s from this forum published by moderators. All code works well.
    My problem is only with this plugin rtmedia now…

    BTW, thank you.


    I tried to find the reason for this error only after the sweetdate update (before the update was working very well with all plugin installed).

    The I can see an error and please help me to resolve this situation.

    When I upload an image in my activity stream or in a group page, I can see only the text and the activity information like ”Jhon uploded a picture… right now” just the text appear, no picture.

    When I click in the ”right now” link, it does not open the activity, it open a new page with a ERROR message (image attached as private message).

    Now, I’m sure the problem is a conflict but my question is: Why all plugins was working before the sweetdate update and after I get this erro?

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    @willianlima83 i don’t know what code you have pasted but is not related to the theme. Please test this on a new install and see it is working

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    O tried but the problem is the same..
    I deactivate the plugin buddypress wall (that I see in this forum was compatible with sweetdate theme) and now it’s deactivated but I cant post pictures in my profile still.
    OK, if it’s is not a problem of the sweetdate theme, why the rtMedia is broked?

    When I purchase this theme I saw this information about the rtmedia and I m just following your instruction but I have no suport to resolve this situation.
    Im very sad with this… 🙁


    Hi, I am sure you have other problems there you generated. Please follow my advice to make a clean test install to test that I am right

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    OK. And then the rtmedia works in other wordpress installation…
    And my website?
    I have just the plugins you recommend here and now I will close my website because that?
    I spent money with the theme already, using the recommended plugins and it’s not working.


    IF the theme works in other install then it is obvious there is a problem generated by you which I can’t stay and debug

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    please stick to theme problems generated by the theme and not by you

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    By me?
    Well, great!!!!!
    I purchase a theme, install it following your instructions, with your recommended plugins and the problem was generated by me?
    Great support.

    Thank you very much.
    Maybe purchase this theme was not a good idea.

    Thank you very much again…


    Can I find some debug information here?
    Maybe the problem is in rtMedia but this plugin is recommended by the sweetdate developers.
    I don’t know what I can do and I’m waiting many days for some suggestion.


    Please try and understand that I can’t reproduce your error which is obviously from something you did. Why don’t you follow my advice and create a test install to check. please be reasonable since we are just trying to help

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I did and it work with rtmedia without the plugins that you recomend here.
    I’m just nervous because it was working very well after the sweetdate update.
    I know it’s not your fault but if always we have a big problem like this after a sweetdate update, then it’s very bad.
    Sorry about this but I’m very nervous, I have people who pay to use the website and they dont understand, then I got a big problem.

    Anyway, it works in other installation but it does not fix my web site.



    * before the sweetdate update


    What plugins do I recommend? cuz I am confused
    We haven’t done changes to affect plugins behavior.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I don’t know.
    It was working with the same plugins I have now, except buddypress wall (that is recommended here in the forum but I deactivate it now and I hate this plugin).

    I will post the plugins list here…



    All In One SEO Pack
    Anti-spam by CleanTalk
    bbPress Multilingual
    Buddypress – Who clicked at my Profile?
    BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request
    BuddyPress Multilingual
    Contact Form 7
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
    Paid Memberships Pro
    Peter’s Login Redirect
    Regenerate Thumbnails
    Revolution Slider
    rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress (### BROKE ###)
    WordPress Importer
    WP Super Cache

    WPML Multilingual CMS
    WPML Sticky Links
    WPML String Translation
    WPML Translation Analytics
    WPML Translation Management


    It’s working well now. I uninstalled WPML Plugin that I purchased because was recommended here.. and it broke my site.
    Then the problem is not from sweet date theme.
    Apologize for my stress here but I thought a plugin recommended here was compatible.

    There are 2 plugins recommended here that broke sweetdate:

    Buddypress Wall (This plugin is fantastic but is not compatible with sweetdate theme together rtmedia plugin).

    WPML Multilingual is a great plugin but broke sweetdate theme together rtmedia plugin.

    It’s resolved now.. I asked refund about WPML and I got it in 2 hours..


    hi @willianlima83
    I am glad you found what the issue was. I will try myself WPML and rtmedia but from my previous experience it worked

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    WPML translate some string that is not to translate, but I is difficult to know what is string is this…


    Hi, so basically what was the problem you encountered or still have?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    The rtmedia was configured to allow users upload pictures on activity stream.
    It was working well.. after install WPML Plugin, it broke..
    Then I tried to deactivate 23 plugins, one by one, and post a picture after deactivate each plugin.
    The supporter from rtmedia forum was logged and confirm the test.
    When I deactivate WMPL, tchaaannaammmmmm.. The website and rtmedia was working very well…
    Then I asked the refund from WPML seller… This plugin is fantastic but not for Sweetdate theme..


    Hi, I added a support topic at rtmedia since it should be related to them and not WPML 🙂

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    The rtMedia support said me it’s a theme issue or a bug from other plugin…
    Of course, If we saw the theme and rtMedia working well after deactivate WPML Plugin.. the first idea is ”Stop and deactivate WPML forever”… lolololol
    That’s why I asked refund to WPML seller…

    if you find a solution, I will by WPML again… because this plugin is really fantastic to configure a website/blog and any content in 2, 3, or 10 different languages in the same spot…


    I am discussing this with rtmedia to find the problem

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I think the plugin put some string to translate that is not necessary/correct translate..

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