Hi. I just bought your theme and set it up. I decided to test the registration and add some users manually, because I really like the Members Carousel feature. The feature show’s members and work’s perfect with the BuddyPress Default Data plugin. But it does not work at all when I create a new user manually when going through the complete registration process. Also, during signup, I input a valid email address. But there is no email that’s been sent out. When I check the seven different types of emails, none of them got the email from registration. Weird right? So what’s the difference between the plugins user’s showing up in the Members Carousel feature, versus real people who will be signing up and not showing up in the Members carousel feature and not even on the members page for that matter. I know this should be the easiest thing in the world and shouldn’t even be a topic, which is why it’s not even an issue in the forums. I have compared users from the BuddyPress Default Data plugin, versus the ones I create manually and I can see not a single difference of the ones showing up in the members page and members Carousel, while the real users who register don’t show up at all in it……It should be so easy right?….so I MUST be missing something…I mean there must be something I don’t know about. Do you have any idea what the mystery behind all that is?