This topic has 17 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 10 years by philthebass.

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  • #3378

    Is there anyway of doing a mile radius of a city that you search under i.e if you search leeds then anyone with a town within 25 miles of leeds searches aswell not just people with leeds as there city


    Right now this isn’t possible as a default functionality and it implies some work to accomplish it. If we decide on adding this to a future update we will let you know,


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    is there any app which can implement this


    +1 for integrated GEO feature please…


    I quote that too. Geolocalization would be a great plus.


    It seems like a bit of an oversight that this wasn’t included in the original functionality. Every dating website I’ve ever seen has this feature. Has this been addressed yet?


    Don’t think so. I agree it’s crucial to any dating site and something I hope gets added very soon.


    I agree apparently this was meant to be added in jan and feb but you can use mygeo plugin which doesnt work very well but its better than nothing


    I have the mygeo plugin installed and am using it, but it only seems to be included in the horizontal search form and not the main search on the homepage. Is there a setting that I’m missing? If you know awesome! If not no biggie, I just thought I would ask.


    hi, the radius search is achieved with GEO MY WP which is made compatible with Sweetdate in collaboration with the plugin developer.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi Abe,
    Like I said in my post I have the GEO MY WP plugin installed and running. I have gone through every setting I can find, deleted my cache, used every browser that I have, and the radius search doesn’t come up in the frontage search box, only in the horizontal search. What is the remedy for this? As I asked above is there a setting I’m missing? Any help is appreciated. Thanks,


    Hi @brianhavrilla , indeed that appears only in the horizontal search. I will talk with GEO MY WP developer so we can show them in the main search also.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi @Abe,
    That would be really helpful. Especially if there is just a small code snippet that can be inserted somewhere to make that functionality possible. Please include me with any updates to this. Thanks,


    Hi @Abe,
    I wanted to check and see if there has been any progress on putting the radius search on the front page search box. Thanks,


    Not yet sorry. we will keep you posted.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I would rather see the geo field on the main search form also, but I have created a workaround where I recreated the search form on a separate page and activated 1 field on the horizontal search form to bring up the GEO My WP fields. The only problem is that it does not actually “refine” the search but creates a new one.

    1) Do you know how it can be set to refine the search results?
    2) How can we activate the horizontal search form to only include the GEO My WP radius fields?



    +1 for integrated GEO and search by radius

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