November 11, 2014 at 19:40
Hi @govind,
1. You can hide the author name on both pages by using the following code. Please replace the previous code with this new code on your style.css file.
Please replace old code by this new code:
COPY CODE .meta-author, body.single-kleo-testimonials .meta-author{
display:none !important;
body.single-kleo-testimonials time.entry-date {
padding-right: 4px;
I hope this will give you the desire result. I have added a screenshot also.
2. If you want to show any content like slider etc. to fullwidth on a fullwidth layout, then you need to add a row first and then edit that row setting and set the inner container setting to “no” which is by default is “yes”. and then you can put any thing in that row and content inside that row should show up in fullwidth. If you still have problem, please ask me anytime. Thanks. 🙂
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