Whatever ‘Laura’ gave us as a response in this last answer is now apparently, over riding the transparency feature as we set is at ‘.1’ and it is still displaying at 100% with no transparency whatsoever. See attached photo.
We still want the transparency feature to work and we’re not sure why it doesn’t now.
We paid our money if full and thst should entitle us to PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SUPPORT which we really haven’t gotten.
This is now the SECOND TIME ‘Laura’ has provided very INCORRECT AND NON-PERFORMING CODE to a rather simple request.
This is NOT ‘custom work’ whatsoever. We are NOT asking you do develop some new functionality or anything of the sort. For crying out loud we are just asking to change the color of the background text area LOL (as well as the homepage search box area in another post). PRETTY SIMPLE STUFF IN TERMS OF A ‘REQUEST.’