This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Andrei.

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  • #44736

    I would like to have the ‘Looking For’ field set to a Multi Select Box in the Profile and the Member Search. Every time I change it the search goes crazy, swapping the way ‘I Am A’ and ‘Looking For’ work; essentially if I’m ‘Looking For’ a woman, I have to say that ‘I Am A’ woman. Is this something to do with these being core fields? I have several users that are ‘Looking For’ more than just one option.


    Hello, you can create extra, like Adding to Looking for, more options, like Woman, Man, Woman and Man, Bisexual…
    What ever you add to the profile, the user can always search for both, as the search is not restricted.

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    I added all those options but I want them to be able to multi-select for their search.

    Example: I am a Woman, Looking for a Woman, Man, etc. as I have highlighted in the attached picture.

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    Unfortunately the “I am a” and “Looking for” are custom fields, and until now we didn’t had requests to make them multiselect boxes.

    I don’t think you can create them yourself because there is a custom mechanism behind those fields.
    Ex: the Looking For field actually makes a search in the gender field. In that way if you search in the “Looking for” field for “female” it will actually find users with “female” gender set, as an example.

    We will consider this option and we will probably include it in one of our future updates.

    Let met me know if I can help you with something else.

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    #44793 by Laura
    >Hello, you can create extra, like Adding to Looking for, more options, like Woman, Man, Woman and Man, Bisexual…
    >What ever you add to the profile, the user can always search for both, as the search is not restricted.

    How exactly do you add extra option like Woman and Man, Bisexsual, stated above.
    What file should I customise?


    Laura exemplified that you can add more values to your “I am a” and “Looking for” fields from “Users > Profile Fields”.
    But this won’t transform your search boxes into multiselects.


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    yeah…the “Looking for a” woman search shows men….if i man looking for a woman…i would like the results to show the woman…or maybe im doing something wrong here


    For the search to work properly you’ll have to set both of your “I am a” and “Looking for” fields.
    You can set the matching fields from the theme panel, under buddypress section, there is a setting called “Select Matching Fields”

    Hope this helps you setting up your search correctly.

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    Many of my members are writing me for months asking how they can make a search with a “LOOKING FOR : BOTH”.

    In fact they are both interested in finding men and women.

    For example, a WOMAN wants to fill “LOOKING FOR : BOTH” and get this results in listing :

    On the opposite, a MAN that make a search with “LOOKING FOR : BOTH” would get the result :

    Is there a custom snippet ot filter that we could use in our child-theme function.php in order to achieve this ?

    If this behavior is being released in a next update, do you have a release date in mind ?

    thank you ! and keep the good work 😉



    We might add such feature in our search options in the future, but I can’t tell you exactly when such update will come. Meanwhile there’s no easy way to do this, but if have programming skills then you can give a look at the following file, where all our search-related features stands: “wp-content/themes/sweetdate/custom_buddypress/kleo-bp-search.php”

    Let me know if I can help you with anything else.

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