This topic has 22 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by jiant.

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  • #48245

    Could someone mind helpping my with this.
    Maybe some of this questions appears in others post, but can not find it..if appears please might you be so kind to put the link.



    -Home/groups/ appeared with sidebar
    -Home/groups/animals I need fullwidth


    – Can not upload cover images for groups

    – Change the link “image 0”

    2. PROFILE (image 1)

    -When I visit another user profile see image 1 (change redirect)
    -When I´m I others profile a easiest way to come back to mine. button or something like that


    -How can user delete an album?
    -Add a tittle tex with the name of the album under or above the album picture

    4.- See some costumize in the images that added and please tell me if it could be possible.

    -Groups costumize image 2,3,4

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Most of that will take custom coding and is beyond the scope of support here.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    OK I understand you can not help me with customize.

    Just I saw that others people in others post are showing some trouble about customize and they are helped, that the reason why asked for help.

    But what about point 1 and 2 groups and profile..


    If you want groups to appear full-width, you need to set that in theme options > buddypress > groups layout

    Cover image is only for profiles.

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    -I already made that.

    It is not possible do that like in profiles?

    -Home/groups/ appeared with sidebar
    -Home/groups/animals fullwidth

    What about the itemes of the buddy press menu that they redirect me to another page.

    – Multimedia send me to portfolio
    – Groups member send me to another page thats not groups members.
    – and the image 1 above send me to other page not buddy pres page.

    I don´t want to be a trouble for you just I asking for help ( imagine how difficult can be this for me if everything is in english) , I undertand you cant help me with the customize that the reason that I didn´t made you more questions about that.


    Groups – You have to have one or the other.

    For the menus going to the wrong pages, try resetting your permalinks Wp Admin > Permalinks > Save. If that doesnt work, try disabling plugins.

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    Like you say both with side bar, when i click -Home/groups/animals doesn´t show me the items in the sidebar

    -Home/groups/ appeared


    Respond privately with a link and admin credentials.

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    We know that Kleo works with buddypress. There’s an issue on your site that you need to figure out. Common issues are caching plugins, CDN servers with old copies of files and conflicts with other plugins.

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    Ok thanks for your time. Thats all. only the last question and I dont disturd you anymore.

    Delete plugin is the best way right?

    It can be something that overwrite or just inconpatibity conflicts? I ask this beacause if there is something overwritten when I delete plugins nothing is going to happen?

    Thank you so much, I hope can fix it..


    You dont need to delete anything. Disable them.

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    Hi again,

    I think that I have found the problem.
    When I made changes in kleo demo templates, I renamed those templates with other name,so it probably made that some things doesnt works as good as they have to.

    The question is? now I want to use the templates and modify them.
    But what should I do If I want to put a new name.

    I dont know if I have expalined clarely


    I dont understand.

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    -Now I have a new menu with Kleo demo data templates.
    -The idea is modify each page (kleo template) but changing the tittle. Putting spanish name.
    member grid template—– miembros
    But when I make the change, the spanish name is not accepted, and thats is the reason that some items from the page,like sidebars items dessapear.


    Are you saying that you’re changing the title of the demo pages using the page editor? If so, that wont cause issues.

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    – Yes I change it in the page editor.
    – But, importing again demo pages everything works ok.
    – Changing the page title, the permanent link just down the title in editor page, change by it self?
    – Because when I change both, it cause issues.
    – So now I not sure about the steps that should continue to modify demo pages.


    Again, shouldn’t cause issues. Maybe you have caching turned on?

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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    Ok.. that´s good news…

    what you mean with caching?

    I tryed again and now is working.. I made something wrong the first time when customize each pages. I dont kwnow what..

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