This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by tmh23.

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  • #55819

    I would like to create a new sidebar to customize with widgets and use it on only one specific page. May be a simple stupid question but I don’t know how to do it.




    Hi Troy.
    1. Go create your new sidebar.
    2. Then go to widgets and add the widgets you would like to that new sidebar you created.
    3. Go to edit the page you want that sidebar on. Now scroll to bottom of the page and you will see an option to choose what sidebar you want displayed on the page.

    Hope that helps. If not let me know and I will reply.


    To create a sidebar go to Appearance/sidebars
    To add widgets to go to Appearance/widgets and select the new sidebar.


    Ah yes! All the way at the bottom. Thanks!!

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