This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by equivideo.

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  • #56975

    What is the best plugin to use to stop numerous fake registers spammers from registering on buddypress for my site?


    I have the exact same issue so I’d love a response as well


    WPMU Dev’s Anti Splog or Wangguard.

    Anti-Splog comes inclusive with WPMUDevs ($$$) subscription or you can buy it as a stanadalone. (It is in the free repository but you need an API key to make it work properly and for that you need to pay for it.) As you would expect it works well in a multisite environment

    Wangguard is free for both the installation and the API, probably has a better interface and is more user friendly but it doesn’t play quite as well with multisite. Otherwise it is probably the better product. Is available in the free repository.

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