This topic has 20 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years by SQadmin.

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  • #595

    I have a multi-site and installed on 2nd blog.

    1. on menus, css classes (options) are not coming out. I need to modify menu design.
    I found “sweetdate_walker_nav_menu”. it controls menu styles. I need to my optional css should be working.
    how I could change it to work fine?

    2. album pictures are not uploading.
    I have found that “album” folder is not even created. this is one of uploaded files

    and this is your demo site file name

    mine is not proper file name(missing “wp-content/uploads/album/”). and there is no album folder created as well. I have manually created “album” folder in uploads folder. but it’s not uploaded.

    Any solution for it?



    To use different walker class you can change with your own in header.php:

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'left', 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'fallback_cb' => 'sweetdate_main_nav', 'walker' => new sweetdate_walker_nav_menu) ); ?>

    Instead of -> sweetdate_walker_nav_menu put your class name.
    Then in your sweetdate-child you can duplicate our sweetdate_walker_nav_menu class and edit there.
    Also we didn’t liked all those added classes and removed them but we left the commented like that adds the classes in functions.php ->

    //$output .= $indent . '<li id="nav-menu-item-'. $item->ID . '" class="' . $depth_class_names . ' ' . $class_names . '">';
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    For Albums you should check on the server if you have the permissions to write files. Uploading should happen without your intervention to create folders or anything else

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    which folders should have permissions?


    Usually wp-content/uploads or if you changed the default one, the one you defined in Settings -> Media

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    No not working. I gave 777 all of folders. but it is still same.
    It shown x box and links are not right.


    any solution? please 🙁


    Is this a BP Album problem?

    As I heard there will be the option to deactivate it in 1.4 and use e.g. rtMedia (former BP Media).


    Can you upload other files in posts or pages?

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    I will send it soon.


    What do you mean? so this theme has an option for disable album and I can use rtMedia instead of album?
    I have used rtMedia and I belive It worked.


    Version 1.4 is now available. Please upgrade and you’ll have the option to disable BP-Album
    After that you can install rtMedia

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    I am sorry to bother you again, I can’t really find the option for disable BP-Album and active for rtMedia.
    Where can I find?


    Hi pulla,
    1. You can disabe BP-Album from Sweetdate/Buddypres/BP-Album (ON/OFF)
    2. To activate rtMedia you need to install first:
    – Go to Plugins/Add New and search for “rtMedia”
    – Install and activate
    – Go to rtMedia Settings and activate your preferred options

    Let me know if this helps you.

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    Thanks for your answer.

    I was using 1.3. I thought that It was 1.4 and downloaded from themeforest “only wordpress files”. It could be my fault or themeforest fault. (maybe mine)

    anyway, I found them and disactived and installed rtMedia. however, it comes with 404 page when you click “media” on your profile. I will try to find what I missed for setting pages. I think it’s a permission problem with my server. the hosting company doesn’t have any knowledge for wordpress permission. do you know what I need to give permission for create rtMedia pages?

    I have also tested with another server which is already running buddypress. it works fine.
    I think rtMedia is better than album. it should be placed on ablum place.
    Do you think it’s possible to show rtMedia photos on Album photos place which is beside “about me”?
    It may look good.


    To get rid of 404 page go to Permalink Settings and do a “Save Changes” even if you don’t modify other settings. If this is not working try to change form some options and do a save again, rtMedia seems to have some issue with Permalinks on some servers.

    Let me know if this helps you.
    Best regards,

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    As for the images in the tabs we will take it in consideration

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    I am having a similar issue. I went into “profile” and added 3 pictures. They uploaded okay. When I select the “my photos” tab, all of the image links are broken. However, when I roll over the image and see the path at the bottom of the browser, it is the correct path. If I put that path in the browser the image appears okay. But they don’t appear in the “my photos” tab.


    I just discovered that the image links are looking in the root directory rather than the directory with my WordPress installation. Could you instruct me how to fix this? Thanks!


    Give us a link to your site on the email if you don’t want to make it public

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    Have you figured out why you couldn’t upload images using Bp-Album?

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