This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #62847

    Hi There

    How can I change the portfolio parent category name “All” to something else?

    i.e “Screenshots” or something else

    Many thanks


    You can either translate it or copy the following function to your child functions.php file

     function kleo_portfolio_filter( $parent_category = "", $exclude_categories = array() ) {
            $filter_output = $tax_terms = "";
            if ( $parent_category == "" || $parent_category == "all" ) {
                $tax_terms = kleo_get_category_list( 'portfolio-category', 1 );
            } else {
                $tax_terms = kleo_get_category_list( 'portfolio-category', 1, $parent_category );
            $filter_output .= '<div class="filter-wrap row clearfix">'. "\n";
            $filter_output .= '<ul class="portfolio-filter-tabs bar-styling filtering col-sm-12 clearfix">'. "\n";
            $filter_output .= '<li class="all selected"><a href="#"><span class="item-name">'. __("Screenshots", "kleo_framework").'</span></a></li>'. "\n";
            foreach ($tax_terms as $tax_term) {
                $term = get_term_by('name', $tax_term, 'portfolio-category');
                if ( $term && ! in_array( $term->term_id, $exclude_categories ) ) {
                    $filter_output .= '<li><a href="#">slug . '"><span class="item-name">' . $term->name . '</span></a></li>'. "\n";
            $filter_output .= '</ul></div>'. "\n";
            return $filter_output;

    I strongly suggest translating it.

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    Thanks very much for this.

    If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind explaining the translate route – I think it involves swapping out one of the files in the database doesn’t it? If you can help, would be most grateful – thanks


    It doesnt mean that at all. It means building a translation file. Do a search here. Its also in the Kleo doc.

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    that doesn’t really help me at all, sorry. I haven’t worked with translation files before so don’t know which one I am supposed to change to get this end result. Did a search as you suggest and tons of different things came up – most of which didn’t make sense/relevant to me.

    On another theme I downloaded, their support showed me where to make the change and how to do it. Can you at least point me in the direction of what bit needs translating exactly. where can I find “All” ??


    I just looked at it again and I think it will change all instances of the word all, so just use the code I gave you before that’s already been changed to display “Screenshots”.

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    But… You need to make sure that the function hasnt changed after every update.

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