This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #66506


    I feel pretty stupid, but I can’t seem to get a gallery-post to appear “the Kleo way”.
    What I tried:
    1)Added a Gallery shortcode: looks bad, bad image quality, no masonry:
    [gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="8916,8899,8882,8865,8848,8831,8814,8797,8780,8763,8746,8729,8712,8695,8678"]
    2)Added a Revslider shortcode: just displays a slider, no gallery.

    Can’t find clear documentation about it here:
    Am I maybe missing any plugin? In the docs it says: “Setting a post as a Gallery format will require to add Slider images”…??

    Thanks in advance


    Do I HAVE to use rtMedia for this to work? Any specific way/fields to link post to rtMedia gallery?


    Use the image gallery shortcode and change the display to grid, set the image size to large and the gap to small. That will produce this:

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    Genious, the gallery shows in Post view just as you said.
    BUT the Set Featured image for the post is not displayed in category view.
    I have category view set to masonry, and normal posts get their featured image, quotes display nicely, also youtube videos show ok. What about gallery? At least if it would show the featured image, if not actually the gallery itself in a popup…


    That’s different. Featured image is only for standard and image post types.

    For gallery posts types, you need to add your images to the gallery slider down in Theme General Settings > Media

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    and….. if you have display media on post page set to on in theme options, it will automatically add those images (gallery) to the top of the post. No need to build a gallery and at it to the post content.

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    How to display a description of a single image in isotope gallery (when open with prettyphoto js) ?

    here you have an exmaple

    There is no description. I would love to enable descriptions, not title, not alt.


    Cant be done without custom code which is beyond the scope of support. Perhaps you can do what you want using a custom Visual Composer Media Grid.

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