This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by tonari.

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  • #73104

    i’m trying to change the line height in my tab.
    I found this is the part to change: (i think)

    .nav-tabs>li>a {
        line-height: 1.428571429;

    But when i try to change the size in my style.css, that’s not working.

    Can you help me with that.
    Thanks 🙂


    Try this instead

    .nav-tabs li a {
        line-height: 1px !important;
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    Hi Sharmstr,
    thanks for your answer. 🙂
    Actually even with this line, i still have the same space.
    The line-height of 1.428571429 is loaded by bootstraps.min and over my style.css .
    How can i override it?


    Adjust the px size in my code to whatever you want. It works for me. If its not working for you, I’ll need to see a link.

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    Ok that’s weird.
    Me i still have the bootstraps style.

    You can see on the two pics.
    A and B are with your code set to 1px.

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    But where’s my code? You dont show a picture of it. Again, please make my life easier and give me a link I can see.

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    You put height instead of line-height

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    You also have ul in the selector. Please use the exact code I’ve given you.

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    Ok thanks sorry, i’m doing all wrong today, i ‘ll just stop working for today 🙂
    One last litte thing, i want to finish that before going out for a beer.

    I see that this is the “height” that i need to change.

    ul li a {
        <del datetime="2015-08-15T14:19:13+00:00">line-height: 80px;</del>
       <del datetime="2015-08-15T14:19:13+00:00"> padding: 0px 20px;</del>
        <strong>height: 80px;</strong>
        <del datetime="2015-08-15T14:19:13+00:00">color: #777;</del>
        <del datetime="2015-08-15T14:19:13+00:00">transition: all 0.1s ease-out 0s;</del>

    But how can i change it to only affect this page ?


    each page has a body class with the page id


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    Thanks, perfect. 🙂

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