This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #84799

    Hi,  I am looking to incorporate a multi WooCommerce vendor plug-in like Dokan or WC Vendors Pro (most likely Dokan) – but I am curious about how a shop plug-in like that would integrate with Kleo, specifically around User accounts.  If a user creates an account on my site, will they have the same account in the store as they do in Buddypress?  I am a little confused because in menus, there are Login/Register options for both WooCommerce AND BuddyPress.

    Please let me know as this would affect whether or not I use buddypress. The shop is much more important part of my website than buddypress – but a few of the buddypress features would be nice to have.

    Thanks again.




    All plugins use the wordpress account. So yes, they will have the same account. There is an ongoing discussion about these plugins here:

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