If you have the site hosted with WP Engine then you will need some extra hacks to make BuddyPress work. This is a problem that is not related to the theme but something that has to do with WP Engine system.
What you need to do is:
1. Activate your child theme if it is not already enabled.
2. Go to your child theme functions.php and add the code below
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_buddypress_js' );
function load_buddypress_js () {
if (bp_is_group() || is_page( 'activity' )) {
wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_query',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-query.min.js',array("jquery"));
wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_members',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/widget-members.min.js',array("jquery"));
wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_cookie',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-cookie.min.js',array("jquery"));
wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_scroll', plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-scroll-to.min.js', array("jquery"));
wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_js',get_template_directory_uri() . '/buddypress/js/buddypress.min.js',array("jquery"));
3. That is it