
Q: Hello Radu, maybe it’s a misunderstanding cause my english is not so good. I don’t want to bring the size of the text higher. I want to bring the heart+text+the 3 counters on the mainsite http://new.lovestorm-people.com more up. I want to shift it further upwards to the top.

R: You should to go in wp-admin -> pages -> search for your home page -> edit -> then you will see visual composer, just drag the row that contain the counters and the heart on top, let me know if you cannot handle with this and provide admin credentials.

Q: Sorry, it’s not working. Please could you help me? I gave you a account User: Radu Pw: uAwnDHtifBXY^YxukuM&u8(M
Q: Please where can I switch of/or hide the informations in all posts about author, date and categorie?

R: We have an option in theme to disable all autor meta from wp-admin -> theme options -> blog -> Display post meta in Single post page* – NO

Q: I’ve done this. It’s working in the post but not on the mainsite in the “moving” posts. There it’s still showed.
Q: Where can I change the language to german for the “Read more” link in the posts on the main site and in the Comment form “Leave a reply”?

R: You can do that by using loco translate plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/

Q: Missunderstanding: I dont want to translate inside the theme or WordPress.The whole website is showed in german to the user but some parts are still in english. On the main site for example “Read more” in the moving posts and the complete form in all posts “Leave a reply” is in english.
Q: How can I change the hyperlink on the picture in the sliders? Cause when you click on a slider(picture) on the main site and in the post the link goes only to the image and not to the post. I want that the link goes to the post where the slider is inside.

R: Go to wp-admin -> revolution slider -> chooser your home slider, and click edit, then look there for link..

Q: Missunderstanding:It’s not a Revolution Slider. I marked a post as a “gallery” and you can add pictures and show them like a “slider”. example: http://new.lovestorm-people.com/ueber-uns/ On the mainsite when you click on the pictures of this “sliders” you need to come to the post not to the picture.
Q: In the IExplorer is the site in another type of font. How can I change this?
Since the Kleo update 4.0 I can’t activate the Revolution Slider with the purchase code. What can I do now?

Thanks for help

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