Hello Laura,
As I understand it, it should be the fields selection at search form customization (see pic. search field selection), that should count towards the final matching result. But simply selecting the desired fields here, doesn’t make it work!
Then when I scroll a little further down the page it becomes clear(see pic. search field matching). There is a header that reads:”select matching fields”. And the field selected here is the only field that REALLY COUNTS towards the FINAL MATCHING RESULT. But that’s just ONE field! (I’m probably missing something here?)
I’ve tried thought the users-profile fields tab, which is the most common way to make a selected searching through matching fields works, but I can’t make it work or maybe it’s simply disabled? I don’t know.
And then second question a long the same line, is that I really would like to make a search field that could selecting people on the distance from where a person resides. What would be the best way to approach that or should I get a plugin of some kind for that?