
Hello, try:


[kleo_one_third][kleo_img_rounded src=”https://www.hireme4you.com/Hire_Me_For_You_Employment_Jobs//wp-content/uploads/2017/07/hireme4you-employment-jobs-employer-employee-free.png”] [kleo_h4] 100% for FREE [/kleo_h4]

You can register and create your CV for FREE! Your CV then become immediately visible, searchable, extendable and promotable, no strings, no catches and definitely no hidden charges or expectations, We have given you one of the most intricate text editors around allowing you to design away to your hearts content when creating your portfolio or CV.

[/kleo_one_third][kleo_one_third][kleo_img_rounded src=”https://www.hireme4you.com/Hire_Me_For_You_Employment_Jobs//wp-content/uploads/2017/07/hireme4you-employment-jobs-employer-employee-handshake.png”] [kleo_h4] Matching Job Compatibility Metrics [/kleo_h4]

Hire Me For You uses complex metrics to produce an easily understandable job search form, you can be matched to multitudes of differing criteria based upon an employers expectations, giving you increased possibilities of success in finding the right employer and most suitable job.On top of this hireme4you uses the Myer Brigs personality test and has built a secondary matching system around this test showing your compatibility to your current work along with your compatibility to a future employers Job posting

[/kleo_one_third][kleo_one_third][kleo_img_rounded src=”https://www.hireme4you.com/Hire_Me_For_You_Employment_Jobs/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/hireme4you-employment-jobs-employer-employee-chat.png”] [kleo_h4] Matching Job Compatibility Metrics [/kleo_h4]

Hireme4you gives you all the tools necessary to communicate with any member of this site from Chat, to a Q and A board, to Forums, to Groups, to Portfolios, to Activity pages, to dedicated Help, to Messaging, to Video Chat, all for FREE. Our help and advice forums are run by retired professional people who give their free time to advise you in any related work type function, issue or development and is currently being developed for such a purpose.

Let me know if it works 🙂

Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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Always happy to help you 🙂

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