yes, I tried that but it does NOT change my REgistration box fields on the landing page.
What you are talking about works for the MEMBERSHIP portion, once they’re already registered, and this lives here: http://mytheme.com/members/wp_admin/profile/edit/group/1/ (member area base png below).
I need the fields changed in the REGISTRATION BOX on the landing page (see landing page png below), and I need to create a field with the option of inputting a special INVITE CODE that I will have to generate.
So, to reiterate, I need to change the REGISTRATION BOX FIELDS on the landing page, like the sweetdate theme showcase at themeforrest.
So, TO CLARIFY: I need to edit the REGISTRATION form, not the Search form, not the Mixed form. Just the REgistration form, and I cannot find the darn place with where that is.