October 12, 2014 at 18:07
Okay. I think I got it working. I dont know how to use this is the child theme to make it upgrade safe, but probably wont be and issue if @abe makes it part of the core. Anyhow, as mentioned before, the issue was with the regular expression. To fix it
– open /plugins/k-elements/shortcodes/templates/kleo_grid.php
– comment out line 44 (verify this is the correct line!!)
– add the new regular expression below it
so this
$sh = preg_match_all('~\[kleo_feature_item([^\[\]]*)]([^\[\]]+)\[/kleo_feature_item]~', $content, $childs);
should be this
//$sh = preg_match_all('~\[kleo_feature_item([^\[\]]*)]([^\[\]]+)\[/kleo_feature_item]~', $content, $childs);
$sh = preg_match_all('~\[kleo_feature_item([\s\S]*)]\[/kleo_feature_item]~', $content, $childs);
I havent tested all scenarios, but seems to be working without breaking other things. Again, I suck at regular expressions :/
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