Hi, Thank you very much. Okey, Let me know when you have new info. By the way, I have checked your website just now. And found everything is good related to login issue and admin menu. As far as I am concern. You are having issue with redirection after login because you are using a plugin which redirects to member’s activity page and Kleo tries to redirect to the current page after login. Therefore, there is conflict between them. so If you want to redirect to admin menu after login then it should be fixed. by the way. let you hosting problem solve first then if you have problem then feel free to ask me anytime. And your admin menu is showing up nicely and you can see the logout menu by hovering on the right top corner of the admin bar. this is the default behavior of wordpress. I have attached a screenshot. Well, Please do not hesitate to ask me about your any problem regarding KLEO. Thank you very much.
Reply To: Login Plugin problem, full menu not visible
Login Plugin problem, full menu not visible
Reply To: Login Plugin problem, full menu not visible
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