I made some edits the the hashbuddy plugin. As I mentioned, when you publish a post, hashbuddy intercepts the activity that is created and creates the hastag link. I’ve changed that bit of code so that it wont append /activity to the url and instead creates a /tag/thehashtag url. So now, when you click on hashtags that are in a “wrote a new post” activity update, it will direct those to the /tag/.
Thats all fine and good, but the issue is that you can’t do the same with user activity updates. The /tag/ page is an archive page. Activities do not show up in archives. See my attachment.
I dont think there’s going to be any plugin that will show all posts, topics, pages AND activity hastags on the same page. If they did, then you’d get duplicate entries on the archive page. One for the post and one of the activity of the post. Hope that makes sense.
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