February 26, 2015 at 14:44
Here are the steps to enable portfolio comments:
1. You will need to add the following code snippet inside our “kleo-child/functions.php”:
add_action('init', 'kleo_add_portfolio_comments_support');
function kleo_add_portfolio_comments_support() {
add_post_type_support( 'portfolio', 'comments' );
2. You will need to add the single-portfolio.php file in your “kleo-child” folder, which you’ll find it attached below.
3. Because comments support was disabled until now, under the edit page of a portfolio item you will find a meta box called “Discussion”, and you’ll have to edit each of your previous portfolio posts and enable the comments. All new posts will automatically be enabled by default.
Hope this helped you out, and sorry for the late reply.
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