
Thank you Laura, Sorry to answer late, i was verry busy tying to fix any other issues about my them.
Well everything is fine, you code work perfectely like i wish. But i would like to know if someone allready poste a fr.po and fr.mo for sweetdate french language translation. i am working to translate every string but it took me too much time cause theme setting panel translation strings are mixed with site translation strings, sorry for bad english i speak french, i use wordpress plugin loco translate and 1298 string are waiting for me me to get they french tranlation. this work could be easy if i could know witch part of these strings are for admin area and witch part of these trings are for the site and member area words display and pop up notice.
Finaly, i would like to know why after updating my theme member profil informatin not display at left of profil picture like it does in the past and only member age is displayed in member small profil viewing in search result. you have 3 screan capture attached to this reply, one is to show you that your custom css code works fine and other are my last touble. Please help me to fix them and solution for french language. You look beautyful in your picture.

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