
I had them add importing in the next minor update (dont have an eta) because it was a bit to hard to figure out on your own. They updated the doc a bit early.

Here’s how to do it now.

1 – Go to geo directory > design and set it up like attached.
2 – Go to geo directory > permalinks and it up like attached. Create the pages first if you haven’t done so already. You just need to create blank pages, except for the one you’ll use for locations. That’s the one that should get the shortcode for the full map header as mentioned in the doc.
3 – Go to settings > reading and set your front page to whatever you set to your geo locations page (in my screenshot above its Home Business Directory)
4 – Go to Appearance widgets and see if Geo Directory created the widgets for you. See attached. If so, then you’re all set. You can tweak the widgets to get whatever display you want. The one I had to change is GD Home Content Section > Popular Post View > Layout: Grid View (Three column).

If GD didnt auto create the widget for you, let me know and I’ll tell you how to import them.

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