Advanced & Cool Demo importer
It is advised to import only the pages that you want to use and not to import all the demo content that KLEO provides.
Follow this steps to import one of the demo page:
1. Go to WP Admin - Appearance - KLEO Demo data
2. In this page you will see all the demo pages listed. Select the page you want to import.
3. Click IMPORT button
4. To customise the page, go to the imported page and use the Visual composer to edit the elements by clicking the Backend Editor button.
Import bulk data(DEPRECATED)
Follow the steps bellow:
1. Go to WP admin - Appearance - KLEO Demo data
2. You have multiple options to choose from, so you can import the whole data including pages, posts, menus, widgets, portfolio, clients, testimonials or you can import them by data type or just one demo page. Choose the one that suits your needs
3. Click the "Import demo data " button
4. You will see the new data in your site.
Manually import all demo data(DEPRECATED)
Step 3. There are two demo files available in the folder ../Demo content/
- demo-default-kleo.xml - This will import all content from the main demo site
- demo-kleo-agency-multisite.xml - This will import all content from the Agency multisite demo(Preview)
Choose one of them to import and after the file is uploaded make sure to assign Authors and import Attachments.
That’s it, demo data has been imported