This is a guide on how to install the theme as the demo.

Tutorial sections

First of all, you will need WordPress installed at your website, and access to the admin panel.

At the themeforest .zip file, find WordPress > and sweetdate-child.zipWordpress_2

Go to your WordPress admin panel ( ) and at Appearance > Themes, select Add New > Upload


PrtScr capture_44Manage Themes ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google ChromeAdd Themes ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome








Now drop / select and click Install Now

Add Themes ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_2

Problems installing the theme? You got errros like post limit exceeded or time out? See the Manual install using FTP

Do the same with

When both files are installed, go to Appearance > Themes and click Activate at Sweetdate Child.  Why? (Because it will be where you will save all changes done to style.css or functions.php or any new file you choose to edit. This way, if you update the main theme, your changes won't be lost, as the child theme works like an upper layer.)

Manage Themes ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_2

Log into the WordPress admin, go to Appearance → Themes and activate sweetdate-child Theme.

Manual upload using FTP

To install the theme correctly, you MUST UNZIP the file downloaded from ThemeForest.

  1. Locate your extracted folder with Themeforest files.
  2. Unzip theme zip file located in WordPress/ Unzip child theme located in WordPress/
  3. The correct theme folder must have the style.css file within the root. i.e. WordPress/sweetdate/style.css
  4. Open your FTP client and connect to your server.
  5. Locate the themes directory e.g. ‘/wp-content/themes/‘
  6. Upload sweetdate and sweetdate-child folders to this directory, once the folders have uploaded, it should read ‘/wp-content/themes/sweetdate‘ and '/wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child'

Updating the Theme

CAUTION: If you have made any changes to theme files, updating the theme will overwrite your modified files and you will loose any customisations. For safe updates please enable the Child theme and do any customisations there.
To easily update the theme using Envato Market plugin please follow this dedicated article:

If you wish to upgrade via FTP, you can do the following:

  1. Open your FTP client and connect to your server.
  2. Locate the theme in the themes directory e.g. ‘/wp-content/themes/sweetdate‘
  3. Make a backup if needed by downloading the current version of the Theme to your computer.
  4. Upload the new Sweetdate folder to the exact same directory, overwriting the existing files.
  5. When completed the new version will be active.

Install required plugins

Now it's time to install the required and/or the recommended plugins ( the theme can work perfectly without them, but Buddypress plugin is a core for many of the theme features )

Go to Appearance > Install Plugins, check all and select Install at bulk actions, then apply.Install Required Plugins ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome

1 Click Demo Install

1. To access the demo setup wizard, go to Appearance > Theme Setup

2. The wizard will help you to:

  • activate the child theme if it hasn't already been installed.
  • install required plugins
  • install demo content


After the wizard is complete you can start customising your site, setting up menus and editing content.

Select Home page and Blog page

Go to Settings > Reading and select "A static page" choose Home, BlogReading Settings ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome

Revolution Slider

Go to Revolution Slider at your WordPress admin panel, click Revolution Slider ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_4

At the themeforest file, inside Demo Content folder, find  revolution_slider > exported sliders

exported sliders

And drop / select the slider you want to use, for example full_width_with_form and click import.

Revolution Slider ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_5

Buddypress Settings

Import demo profile fields

Go to Sweetdate > Buddypress and click Import buddypress profile fields 

Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_3

Reload the same page.

Online status

Turn on Online status if you want the users to see others online status

Remember always to save changes.

Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_7

BP Profile Tabs & Matching

Now let's go to Sweetdate > BP Profile tabs

Enable it and check the profile groups you want to show

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Your users will be able to fill those profile groups at Profile > Edit. Also, they won't appear if they are empty, so in order to appear at their profile, they need to fill the fields of each group.

Go to Sweetdate > Profiles Matching

Enable it and enable complementary fields, here you can select how much % is each field, it will change the matching percentage of the users

For example;

  • Starting % 0
  • Complementary fields percentage 10
  • Other fields 5

Until 100%

Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome_9

Setting up Buddypress Components and Pages

Finally, go to Settings > Buddypress 

Select the features you want for your website

BuddyPress Components ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome

And set up buddypress pages, at Settings > Buddypress > Pages


BuddyPress Pages ‹ Sweetdate — WordPress - Google Chrome


That is all demo setup.

  • Permalinks:
    • Your website might not function properly if you have the wrong permalinks, make sure you have Post Name at Settings > Permalinks.
  • Membership Levels (Paid Memberships Pro):
    • Only needed if you are going to have a paid site or a membership site.

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