This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #111027


    facebook login doesn’t work on Firefox 43.0.1.

    Can you help me to understand why?


    Thank you


    Its not just Firefox. It doesnt work period because there is a fb sdk conflict. Probably with that fb plugin you have installed. Disable it and see if it works again.

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    Yes it works if I deactivate Facebook official plugin… But I need that plugin for my site, for like button, sharing, etc…

    What can I do to have facebook login and facebook plugin too?


    Find a developer to make them work together or you can send an email to to get a quote.

    Alternatively, do they have a way of not loading the sdk files or loading them in the footer instead of the header?

    Are you using the facebook plugin that hasnt been updated in over 2 years???

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    I can’t believe that FB allow this. I would have thought it was an horrible and old plugin. Sorry.

    However, can you suggest me a working facebook plugin with Kleo theme?

    In particular, a plugin that works with your facebook login-registration?
    I need facebook like button and an integration with my facebook page, so that in my site there are facebook timeline, facebook users comments etc.

    Thank you


    I cant believe they havent deleted it yet.

    Unfortunately, I’ve never used one, so I cant suggest anything.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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