This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #112876

    The @username handle disappeared from the member’s profile header.
    How to fix this?

    Thanks in advance!

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    Because you turned off Activity in BP. That section displays their mention name which, in the BP developers minds, doesnt make any sense to show it if no one can use it AND will throw an error since mentions are disabled when you disable activity. It makes sense from their perspective because they didnt anticipate themes which allow you to hide the page title which shows the username. In any case, copy /kleo/buddypress/members/single/member-header.php (if you’re using the profile cover plugin) or /kleo/buddypress/members/single/cover-image-header.php (if you’re not using the plugin) to your child theme and add this line before the bp_is_active call

    <h4 class="user-nicename"><?php echo bp_core_get_username( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></h4><br>
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    Thank you for your clear suggestion. As I’m using the cover photo plugin (by seventhqueen) I made the changes exactly like you explained. Unfortunately it doesn’t have any effect. Can you take one more look?


    I know it works since I’m doing the exact same thing on two sites. Did you copy it to your child theme correctly? Did you clear your cache and purge your cdn if you have those in place?

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    Yes, I triple checked. Can you please take a quick look? a few messages up I left login credentials.


    I need cpanel or ftp credentials

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    You didnt stick the page in the correct directory. You missed /single. I assumed that’s what happened and why I asked if you copied it to your child theme correctly.

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    Okay… Why didn’t you make the /single directory? I now have added the /single directory and it’s still not working… So what’s the problem?


    You moved the member-header.php file which is correct if you have the BP Profile Cover plugin setting enabled in BP, which you did not.

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