Ok, I have a little problem with my site. At the moment I am using your theme and have 114 members signed up. I am also using the WordPress Dating Plugin. There are 2 different areas to sign up and it will cause big problems in the future. I really like your theme and I want to continue to use it and the Dating Plugin. I will post a URL so you can take a look. The Dating Plugin is on the Dating page. My questions:
-Is there a way for me to use the theme as a regular theme and still have the Dating Plugin fit for mobile devices? ( it currently hangs off the edge )
-When someone clicks on the “sign up” button is it possible to change that URL to direct it to the Dating Plugin register page? Same with the “sign in” button?
I know you guys are busy please take your time as I am working on this. I will post URL below. Thank you.