This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Jeremy14.

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  • #11812

    Ok, I have a little problem with my site. At the moment I am using your theme and have 114 members signed up. I am also using the WordPress Dating Plugin. There are 2 different areas to sign up and it will cause big problems in the future. I really like your theme and I want to continue to use it and the Dating Plugin. I will post a URL so you can take a look. The Dating Plugin is on the Dating page. My questions:

    -Is there a way for me to use the theme as a regular theme and still have the Dating Plugin fit for mobile devices? ( it currently hangs off the edge )

    -When someone clicks on the “sign up” button is it possible to change that URL to direct it to the Dating Plugin register page? Same with the “sign in” button?

    I know you guys are busy please take your time as I am working on this. I will post URL below. Thank you.

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    – You can use the theme as regular one but that is related to Dating plugin styling
    – to change the signup from the header please edit header.php and remove data-reveal-id=”register_panel” from line 184 and add your register link in href=”” attribute

    Login should be the same process as with the theme since it is done in the popup and there is no page opened


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Thank you!!

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