This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #17669

    Hi, I am trying to increase server/site speed, which can be done fairly quickly with a few steps.

    One plugin that works nearly perfect with standard settings is WP Better Minify. However, with this enabled, the Icons disappear (from social links on top, standard WP recent posts widget etc.)

    Which script stylesheet should I add to the ‘not minify’ section so the icons will show up? Said differently, which script(s) handles these icons?


    (edited: it seems that the Javascripts can be minified without problem, it is a CSS problem. When disabling CSS minify -and enabling js minify-, the icons re-appear)


    On a related note:

    1) Do you have some tips for which theme Js scripts can be loaded in the footer?

    2) On a completely empty (home)page, 4 Carousel scripts (“carouFredsel”) are loaded and probably some others as well that are not needed (BPpress etc). Is there a way to optimize the theme so it only loads the scripts that are actually needed?


    Hi there, I just created a topic related to required settings for BWP plugin and it should fix the fonts issue:

    All theme scripts can be loaded in the footer except for those two you’ll see in the topic above
    bbPress like other scripts can’t really know where some specific elements will appear on what page so they load it all the time. Unfortunately it is somehow related also to wordpress design.

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