Expanding on my question number 1, part two.
Viewing the Cart:
1. I have noticed from reading the previous conversation about the cart. How do I achieve the cartview on the sidebar menu.
Sorry for the multiple questions. The theme for woo-commerece right now is very limited and lacking tools for full deployment. When I saw the demo, See the second image attached. the must be a better way to have for the theme be intuitive for the shopper. It’s very hard to flow through the shop, like this example in the theme- reference to the image attached “view cartedd”. There is no link showing where you can see your cart. Only when you put the item in the cart, but how about they want to shop more for other items…
This is where I am today, pointing this lack of development of the woo-commerce for buddyapp.
I hope you can update this theme, and help me with the solution. Thank you.