
I am using Codestyling plug-in, I found the phrase “Invoice #%s on %s” and “Print” in the plug-in translation. I did translate it, but just these 2 things are not being translated, and I can’t understand why. This is just 2 examples of phrases not translating. It seems there are several translations that are just not working. When I check the location of the php files for these particular phrases, they are:

“Invoice #%s on %s”
pages/confirmation.php:41 pages/invoice.php:22
41 <?php printf(__(‘Invoice #%s on %s’, ‘pmpro’), $pmpro_invoice->code, date_i18n(get_option ‘date_format’), $pmpro_invoice->timestamp));?>

43 <?php _e(‘Print’, ‘pmpro’);?>

I can’t understand what’s wrong, all other phrases are translated.

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