This topic has 21 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 6 years by Oceanglim.

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  • #56769

    Today the profile page is a bit confusing, especially how to edit the profile fields. Also the member have to scroll down below his own profile photo for each page, which can make the member not see the rest of the page.


    Totally agree with this!


    I really would like to see profile page style like the Kleo.


    Yes, indeed some peope don´t get that they have to scroll down to see the profile information.
    Also some users told me that they don´t understand how to view their messages.
    Viewing the messages should not be “hidden” This would improve the usability.


    One of the main vertical menu tabs enhance the user experience


    I agree that the standard Buddypress Profile page is low quality




    Agree with this! This is especially an issue when accessing via smart phone. I was about to suggest this fix myself, but someone beat me to it…..

    This is one of my only issues with Sweetdate. If you guys can fix this, me and my members would be very happy!


    It cant be too difficult to place an anchor at the profile page. When a visitor clicks on the upper member link (lets’s say new messages) the upcoming page scrolls to the right place. That is imho basic work for developers.
    Why does such a simple request take that long?


    vinz98, I agree. This really needs to be changed soon. I’m not a developer by any means, but it doesn’t seem like a very difficult thing to make right. I have had some of my members tell me directly in comments that they don’t like the profile page and it is very hard to use. I would bet I’m losing some members over this.

    Sweetdate developers please please work on a better solution, this should be a high priority for the next version update!


    Implementing a voting system and do noting with it, for over 11 months this is voted highest. Not even a brief response. Some simple things could make such a huge difference.

    For instance loose the head section when editing a profile or (even better) set an anchor point to scroll to. That simple.

    Make the profile page a bit more lively by putting the font-awesome symbols in the tabs. Look at my attached file for (GREAT) ideas. lol

    It is that simple guys..

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Implementing a voting system and do noting with it, for over 11 months this is voted highest. Not even a brief response.

    I totally agree with vinz98 .. highest vote but not a single response.. too bad..


    Wondering why this is, I see regular replies on the support forum from 7th Queen folks and I see also that they look for support staff in the careers section.
    Maybe it’s just lack of time available.
    So one of us should apply for that job and solve this case as the first thing to do in their new job. 😉

    Seriously, I too hope that this will be solved sooner rather than later.
    I need this also.


    One of the posts earlier said this is the standard Buddypress profile page. Can anyone confirm that? If so, maybe we are barking up the wrong tree and should be contacting Buddypress to fix this.


    well if that is so, a few words from one of the SeventhQueen crew would have been nice …


    I have the idea that really no one of 7Q is looking into this section since it is not a support question. My support account ends today and I will not renew it. Got my site running well. Thanks everyone from 7Q for supporting me/us.

    so long…


    I Definitely agree with everyone! A very week point for users needing to scroll down to discover their profile and every change sending them to the top, needing repeated scrolling. And on top of that the minute menu fonts is another gripe.

    As for 7Q to ignore so many request leaves one speechless. That leaves only one option left to vote with our wallets. Consequently, I let my support expire as well, and my next dating theme purchase is from the competition.


    Folks I actually have to make a correction to be fair!

    7Q did actually provide a solution for that a long time ago.
    The solution can be found here!
    Hope this helps someone, and my apology to 7Q.


    Yeah really nice NetConcept, but where? Please point/link to the solution.


    This code needs to be added to the main CSS file. (I used the custom css field within Sweetdate)

    body.activity section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.notifications section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.messages section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.friends section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.groups section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.forums section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.album section #profile{ display: none !important; } section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.settings section #profile{ display: none !important; }

    (I toggled a bit to get what I wanted, so I left out the upper “body.activity section #profile{ display: none !important; }”)


    Thanks vinz98 for this! You figured it out.
    Our users will be happy.


    I also agree!!
    I even lost members cause they find the site really confusing and hard to understand.

    I beleive many don’t add profile pics, cause they can’t find the button for it. The very tiny menu below the profile pic is too small, and as you all said….You have to scroll to find it.
    A menu should be easy to find…well not find…SEE!

    I’ll try the css.code – thanks!

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