This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #56770

    I have set the sidebar to ‘None’ yet a sidebar appears here:

    How to delete this? I would like a full width page.

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    The sidebar selector doesnt effect the layout, only the side bar it displays. You either have to set Full Width in Theme Options > Layout (If you want it for the whole site), or select Full Width in the Page Attributes (in the right column) using the page editor.

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    Do you have a screenshot for this? I can’t seem to find this option.


    Maybe you dont have it turned on. If you dont see it like in my screenshot, click on Screen Options in the upper right.

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    Not sure why its not showing for the inspiration page. It is there for other pages. Perhaps do a google search for the issue or maybe its a plugin conflict. None of that is handled by Kleo.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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    For real? It does not make sense that I’m buying a theme from you where I cannot get support.

    Not recommendable.


    So, lets do this. Lets change it over to the WP 2015 theme temporarily and see if you have the same issue. Okay?

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    I didnt realize that was your main blog page. I set it to full width in Theme Options > Blog

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