I bought your theme on June 30th, I set the API key up back then and I have been using it without problems during last week, however, today I can’t access my WordPress admin and the problem seems to be that the request to http://marketplace.envato.com/api/edge/…, related with the API key, hangs up and times out after a few minutes.
Later, I have revoked the API key to see if this fixed the problem, but did not help.
I have finally managed to access my admin, by temporarily adding the following line after line 336:
protected function remote_request( $url ) {
return false;
Of this file:
Then I created a new API key on Envato, and added the new key to the theme without problems, but when I tried to access Dashboard > Updates the problem came up again.
I have finally deleted both the API key and my username from Sweetdate > Miscellaneous so the Updates section and the whole admin works fine again, however I am not able to use automatic updates anymore.
Could please have a look into this?
Thanks in advance,