Hi Andrei,
OK sorted out the s2member hiccup, so now taking another look at the final problem for the ajax popup login not working.
Current problem: Kleo login link (for ajax popup login) in menu NOT working when accessed via the Home page BUT is always works fine if accessing the same menu link via the membership or Contact page (ie: any of our other public pages). Although just occasionally it does work! so a bit variable…
I have deactivated our security JTC Hacker input text for all login pages for the last few months and no change.
It definitely works if I log into the site by another route and clear the cache, log out and then retry via the front page = always works. But if I deactivate the cache plugin it still produces variable results, so it doesn’t seem to be the main problem.
I’ve just tested deactivating our security plugin (kept it active but set it to default mode which is used for testing) and I was immediately able to login via the menu link on the Home page. So it may be having some effect, though it’s very weird that it’s only on the Home page.
I really don’t want to leave my security plugin in default mode, so I have set it back to it’s usual settings. So if you could look at this I’d really appreciate it.
The security plugin I use is BulletProof Security Pro and it’s an amazing plugin with incredibly good support from it’s author for both the free and the pro version. The support site is here: http://forum.ait-pro.com/ and the wordpress one is here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bulletproof-security/.
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like me to test.
Many thanks j