
Bad, terrible service. A girl that does not have an idea of what customer service is, appeared just to say that she will assign my ticket to a higher level of support!! You are a bad theme provider, a terrible one! You offer One Click Demo Install but deliver a site devoided of navigation. And you take 2 days just to solve this issue!! Your installation process is very faulty, the plugins often requiring 2, 3 or more attempts just to install and activate them. And the cherry in the pay… NO MENUS!! NO NAVIGATION!! Besides, you provide no images, the real site lacks the visual appealing of your ThemeForest demo. And don’t give me the crap about it’s an image license issue, cause you have enough sales -almost 16k- to provide good quality demo content. Take Be Theme as a reference, the demos they offer are the ones they deliver with de prebuild sites installer. Your simple don’t deliver what you promised!!

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