
Hi there,

Well this is really weird – I’m using the VC ‘Post Masonry Grid’ where you can choose the ‘data source’. I’ve chosen ‘page’ as the source, and I’m 99% certain that for the first 2 pages I was able to edit the page Excerpt in the page itself, as this was how I controlled the length of the excerpt and thus the size of the ‘box’ (ie. the Grid element) which kept them nicely in alignment. Screenshot attached to show how previous page excerpts had been edited to keep horizontal alignment…

So I’m thinking there are 2 options that might have effected this:
– Either from a recent w/p update, or a glitch with VC?
– OR could it possibly be related to the additional code I put in for increasing the length of the POST excerpt for increasing the length of excerpt showing in the ‘Kleo Post Grid – small left thumb’? The code info is here: https://archived.seventhqueen.com/forums/topic/how-to-increase-the-amount-of-excerpt-showing.

Would appreciate your ideas, as there definitely used to be a way to easily edit the page excerpt, without any extra plugins!


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