This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Abe.

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  • #8260

    I have three problems with sign up page.

    Please look attached file. Picture says more than thousand words.

    Ideas? 🙂


    1. it is aligned to right. Your translated text is just big and goes under the button
    2. text is there. try with codestyling localization plugin. this is the text

    You are already logged in. Please <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"%s\">refresh</a> page

    3. This is the function defined in framework/functions/facebook_login.php. add the function in sweetdate-child/functions.php and modify it as you want

    function fb_register_button_front()
        <a href="#" class="facebook_connect radius button facebook"><i class="icon-facebook"></i></a>
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    1. is it possible to align text to left that it’s is placed nicely under the “sign up” button? It works “out-of-the-box” with Safari, but not with other browsers.

    2. I just don’t find it. Can you give me .php -file so I can translate it manually.

    3. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /homez.755/boorntdk/www/wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child/functions.php on line 199


    1. add this css in Sweetdate- Styling options – Quick css

    .reveal-modal .button.facebook {float: left;}
    .reveal-modal #signup {margin-bottom:5px;}

    2. Translations are done via .mo/.po files not directly in theme files. Use a plugin like Codestyling localization
    3. wordpress adds a space in < ?php when it should be like without the space between < and ?

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    1. works perfectly! Thank you so much!

    2. Not found (using PoEdit)

    3. Syntax error 🙁 Could you give exact code to i.ex. for image called as. facebook.png).


    2. Also tried to look .po file with textEdit, if there’s some bug with PoEdit. The line is just not there :O


    2. Can you copy-paste those lines from .po -file. So I add it to my .po file manually?


    2. Please use COdestyling localization plugin and rescan strings. It is there, we just translated it….

    3. this is simple. search the function in framework/functions/facebook_login.php and copy it from there. instead of

    <i class="icon-facebook"></i>

    put an image tag or what you want

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    2. Works fine now! Problem was, that my wp is using WPLANG fi, not fi_FI. Thank you!

    3. This works perfectly too!

    I’m very happy that all problems are solved! Thank you Abe!


    Great. I am glad it all works now

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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